Putra Software

iPixSoft Video Slideshow Maker Deluxe

iPixSoft Video Slideshow Maker adalah software video slideshow untuk membantu Anda mengubah foto dan klip video ke dalam video slideshow, galeri foto, video, HTML5 dan presentasi foto. Ini mencakup semua Creator Flash Slideshow.

Key Features
  • Slideshow Management
  • Add Photos/Video clips and Music
  • 76 Designed Templates
  • Transition Effects
  • Slideshow Decoration
  • Multiple Output Formats
  • Other Highlights

NextLimit Maxwell Render Studio

Maxwell - render 3D software untuk arsitek dan desainer. Maxwell memberikan hasil yang bagus melalui set-up sederhana, yang memungkinkan Anda berfokus pada pencahayaan. Untuk freelancer, manajer projek, visualizers & desainer. Maxwell memiliki alat untuk Meningkatkan desain Anda melalui pencahayaan. Membuat animasi pencahayaan dalam sekejap. Menghemat waktu. Menghemat waktu. Dan simpan time.And melakukan semuanya hanya dari satu render. Ini adalah kekuatan dari mighty Multilight. .


Corel PHOTO-PAINT memiliki semua fitur high-end dan alat fotografer yang memiliki kontrol penuh atas editing gambar. di dalam aplikasi ini berisi tools-tools penting seperti kurva, equalization, histograms, layers, objek, masking tools, cloning tools, dll aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi dengan satu set filter yang ke daftar untuk gambar Anda. Ada juga tools drop-shadow interaktif, fill tools, transparency tools, dll untuk melengkapi program editing gambar yang komprehensif. PHOTO-PAINT juga mendukung plug-in untuk menambahkan filter tambahan editing tool-box Anda.

Persyaratan sistem:
  • Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8.1 atau Windows 7, di 32-bit atau 64-bit, semua dengan Update terbaru dan Service Pack
  • Intel Core i3 / 5/7 atau AMD Athlon 64
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 1 GB ruang hard disk
  • Layar multi-touch, mouse atau tablet
  • 1280 x 720 resolusi layar pada 100% (96 dpi)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 atau lebih tinggi
  • Microsoft Net Framework 4.6

TapinRadio Pro 2.04.4 (x86/x64) Multilingual

TapinRadio Pro adalah aplikasi sederhana dan cukup handal. Banyak pilihan stasiun yang diperbarui. Mendukung sebagian besar format radio internet - mp3, wma, ogg, aac. Pencarian Cepat. Graphic Equalizer. jadwal rekaman. Merekam apa yang Anda dengar - trek yang terpisah. pemeriksaan otomatis untuk perangkat lunak dan daftar stasiun. Tampilkan favorit Anda dalam kelompok-kelompok. selain itu terdapat fitur alarm. Sleep timer untuk shutdown!

Berikut adalah beberapa fitur dari "TapinRadio":

  • Banyak stasiun untuk dipilih
  • Mendukung sebagian besar format radio internet - mp3, wma, ogg vorbis, aac + dan sebagainya
  • Pencarian cepat dan terpercaya
  • Smooth switching ke stasiun
  • Rekam apa yang Anda dengar - termasuk file lagu yang terpisah
  • Otomatis memeriksa perangkat lunak dan updatestasiun radio 
  • Tampilkan favorit Anda dalam kelompok-kelompok

n-Track Studio v8.1.2.3422 Multilingual

Sebuah software multi-track recording dan editing, dengan dukungan efek real-time, yang menawarkan alat kelas profesional dan kualitas output.

Rekaman & mixing
Records dan memainkan jumlah tak terbatas dari audio dan trek MIDI
VST, VST3, DirectX (Windows), AU (Mac) dan efek ReWire  dapat ditambahkan ke setiap saluran / jalur
mengirimkan Volume, pan dan efek parameter
Program" fade-in / out, memudar, meningkatkan volume trek ketika solo dll
pemrosesan live input memungkinkan untuk memproses plug-ins live sinyal.
pengolahan dan memproses ulang rekaman kemudian dengan bermain gitar melalui distorsi plug-in kemudian mengubah distorsi setelah perekaman

Soundcard & audio interface
Mendukung 16 dan 24 bit tunggal dan multichannel soundcard pada frekuensi sampling hingga 192 Khz
Kompatibel dengan ASIO, WaveRT, WDM, DirectSound dan audio driver MME, yang berarti bahwa n-Track dapat bekerja dengan hampir semua soundcard tersedia saat ini dengan latency serendah mungkin
Multichannel soundcard atau lebih dari satu soundcard yang didukung: Anda dapat merekam beberapa lagu pada waktu output untuk lebih dari satu output stereo. Setiap saluran output memiliki efek saluran master sendiri dan kontrol volume

Built-in efek termasuk Reverb, Kompresi, Parametrik & Graphic EQ, Echo, Auto-volume, pitch Shift, Chorus, Multiband Kompresi, Spectrum analyzer
Track Drum synth / sequencer modul
Mendukung DirectX, VST 2.x, VST 3 dan ReWire plug-in
Mendukung Instrumen VST dan DirectX Instrumen synth plug-in: trek MIDI sampel-akurat dapat dikirim ke synths MIDI VSTi / DXi , tanpa perlu perangkat keras yang mahal
Mendukung ReWire oleh Propellerhead AB: sinyal dari program lain (seperti Reason, Ableton Live, Fruityloops dan banyak lainnya) dapat dicampur secara realtime dengan saluran n-Track sendiri

format yang didukung
Impor dan ekspor wav, .mp3, .wma, .mid, Ogg, .flac, .aiff, .cda, .sng, file audio .sgw
Impor dan ekspor EDL multitrack file lagu untuk bertukar lagu dengan program multitrack lainnya
Sync ke program lain atau perangkat eksternal menggunakan SMPTE / MTC atau MIDI Jam sync, bertindak baik sebagai master atau slave
Mendukung surround untuk menciptakan proyek DVD audio menggunakan 5.1, 6.1 dan 7.1 channel surround format
Video (AVI, MPEG) dapat dimainkan sinkron dengan lagu di pemutaran khusus video
Setelah selesai merekam seluruh lagu, Anda dapat mixdown semua trek ke dalam sebuah file wav dan menggunakannya untuk merekam track CD audio menggunakan perekam CD atau mendistribusikan lagu melalui internet dengan menggunakan built-in mp3 encoder

n-Track tersedia dalam bahasa berikut: Inggris, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederland, Português, Pусский

Download Link | Mirror

Reallusion iClone Character Creator 2.0.1516.1

Character Creator (CC) adalah alat add-on menakjubkan untuk iClone 6 yang dapat membuat realistis looking, animasi model manusia 3D. karakter yang unik diciptakan melalui penggunaan bentuk morphs, tekstur kulit resolusi tinggi, dan pakaian dengan pakaian yang mengandung desain kain Anda sendiri.

Apa yang Anda butuhkan saat membuat karakter - Penampilan, Kulit, Pakaian, rambut, Aksesoris?, sekarang dapat ditemukan alat luar biasa dengan preset drag-and-drop, dengan kategori terorganisir dengan baik bagi Anda untuk menghasilkan berbagai gaya karakter dalam waktu singkat. Selain itu, Anda dapat secara manual melakukan modifikasi dengan menggunakan slider untuk menciptakan karakter secara rinci dan Intuitif desain UI dockable membawa pada lingkungan editing yang paling fleksibel.

Morphable Muscle Shape & Bone Scales.
otentik one-mesh Karakter CC dirancang untuk body morphs. Selain menerapkan bentuk angka dasar dari library yang telah ditetapkan Anda juga dapat menyesuaikan tubuh, atau bagian-bagian individu seperti: kepala, Torso, Dada, Pinggang, Arm, Tangan, Leg dan Foot.

membuat & Edit Morphable Wajah
Untuk dengan mudah membuat unlimited wajah manusia yang otentik, Anda juga dapat langsung menerapkan salah satu preset prototipe, atau Anda dapat lebih menyempurnakan penampilan melalui slider wajah yang telah dikelompokkan ke dalam segmen intuitif seperti: Tengkorak, Dahi, Mata / Eyelash, Brow , Telinga, Hidung, Pipi, Jaw, Gigi dan Mulut.

Tone kulit & Tekstur Roughness
Bebas menerapkan pola tekstur yang berbeda ke daerah topeng Anda sendiri. Blend variasi warna dan pori-pori kulit keriput untuk menghasilkan kulit yang tepat untuk karakter dengan berbagai usia, jenis kelamin dan etnis.

Aging System
Skin pilihan tubuh Morphs tua dan Normals, memberi Anda untuk dengan mudah mengubah karakter Anda menjadi tua. Ini dapat diterapkan untuk jenis kelamin yang berbeda dan bentuk tubuh. usia tampilan karakter Anda 'atau langsung mengubahnya menjadi senior dengan menyesuaikan kontrol slider.

Suntan & Tattoo
Impor decals (tato) dan memindahkan atau mengubah ukuran dari kulit yang Anda inginkan. Anda juga dapat menggunakan layer mask (suntan) yang dikombinasikan dengan matahari slider untuk mensimulasi musim panas, tampilan sporty-pantai, atau efek sinar matahari.

Desain kosmetik
Character Creator telah terintegrasi dengan sistem make-up berdasarkan teori kosmetik profesional. Desain alis untuk bentuk karakter wajah Anda dengan eyeliner / mata yang cocok, Terapkan bayangan mata atau menambahkan efek eye shimmery untuk membuat Luminizing kelopak mata. selain itu menambahkan blush on untuk meningkatkan kontur, atau mengubah warna lipstik dan specularity untuk menciptakan penampilan dilumasi. Selain itu, Anda mungkin secara manual menentukan area dari setiap make-up untuk menerapkan true-to-life finishes.

Layered Clothing & Conforming Cloth
Mudah mendapatkan karakter pakaian dengan menerapkan lapisan-pakaian, pakaian bagian atas, celana bawah atau rok, dan pakaian luar. Bagian yang terbaik adalah bahwa pakaian yang sama dapat menjadi serupa dengan bentuk tubuh yang berbeda, dan Anda mungkin lebih menyempurnakan hasilnya menggunakan conforming tool.

Warna, Segmen, Pola
Gunakan masker RGB untuk menentukan segmen kain atau sepatu yang disukai. Membuat desain pakaian yang unik dengan mengubah warna masing-masing segmen, pola atau kain.

Weathering & Tear
Bebas menerapkan efek usang atau menambahkan kotoran dan debu, atau menambahkan pola robek untuk memberikan jins varietas gaya otentik.

Patch & Logo
Impor decals dengan diffuse, specular, peta normal, jejak logo kain, pasta, menenun, menjahit patch dan stiker plastik di mana saja Anda inginkan.

Minimum Sistem Persyaratan:

  • CPU Dual core atau lebih tinggi
  • 4GB RAM
  • Ruang hard disk bebas 5GB
  • Resolusi Layar: 1024 x 768
  • Warna Depth: True Color (32-bit)
  • Graphics Card: NVidia Geforce GTX 400 Series / AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
  • Video Memory: 1GB RAM

Sistem operasi:
Win 7 SP1 / Win 8 / Win 10
Dukungan untuk sistem operasi hanya 64-bit

Windows Firewall Control Multilingual

Windows Firewall Control adalah perangkat lunak yang memiliki fungsi Windows Firewall dan memberikan fitur tambahan baru yang membuat Windows Firewall yang lebih baik. Ini berjalan pada system tray dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengontrol original firewall dengan mudah tanpa harus menavigasi bagian tertentu dari firewall. Ini adalah alat terbaik untuk mengelola firewall bawaan dari Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, Server 2008, Server 2012.

Windows Firewall Kontrol menawarkan empat mode filtering yang dapat diaktifkan dengan satu klik:
penyaringan tinggi - Semua outbound dan koneksi inbound diblokir. blok semua yang mencoba untuk terhubung dari ke komputer Anda.
penyaringan sedang - koneksi Outbound yang tidak cocok aturan diblokir. Hanya program Anda yang memungkinkan dapat melakukan koneksi keluar.
Penyaringan rendah - koneksi Outbound yang tidak cocok aturan diperbolehkan. Pengguna dapat memblokir program tidak ingin memulai koneksi outbound.
Tidak ada Penyaringan - Windows Firewall dimatikan. Hindari menggunakan pengaturan ini kecuali Anda memiliki firewall lain yang berjalan pada komputer Anda.

Windows Firewall Control tidak melakukan packet filtering dan tidak memblokir atau mengizinkan koneksi apapun. Hal ini dilakukan oleh Windows Firewall sendiri berdasarkan aturan firewall yang ada.

√ Intuitif antarmuka yang mudah diakses melalui icon system tray.
√ Dukungan penuh dengan account standar. hak paten yang diperlukan hanya pada instalasi.
√ Nonaktifkan program lain untuk menambahkan aturan Windows Firewall.
√ dukungan Terpadu menciptakan, memodifikasi dan menghapus aturan window Firewall.
√ lebih mudah untuk menciptakan aturan baru pada Windows Firewall.
√ fitur Lock dapat menonaktifkan akses ke pengaturan program dan Windows Firewall.
√ integrasi Shell ke dalam menu konteks klik kanan file executable.
√ otomatis menampilkan aturan valid untuk program yang tidak ada lagi.
√ Menggabungkan beberapa aturan yang sama atau duplikat yang sudah ada.
√ View diperbolehkan dan koneksi diblokir dan membuat aturan baru dari log Keamanan.
√ Impor dan ekspor parsial aturan.
√ Perlindungan untuk instalasi tidak sah.
√ mengembalikan pengaturan sebelumnya di instalasi.
√ Global hot keys mendukung berbagai tombol pintas yang tersedia.

Fitur Registered Users
√ Sistem Notifikasi yang menyediakan pemberitahuan untuk blokir koneksi outbound. terdiri Empat mode yang tersedia:
Tinggi - menampilkan pemberitahuan untuk semua koneksi yang diblokir, termasuk sistem svchost.exe.
Medium - menampilkan pemberitahuan hanya untuk program reguler, tanpa pemberitahuan untuk Sistem svchost.exe.
Rendah - menampilkan Pemberitahuan hanya untuk program unsigned.
lambat - Pemberitahuan dinonaktifkan.

√ Buat aturan secara otomatis dihapus pada saat expire atau pada program restart.

Persyaratan sistem
√ Microsoft .NET Framework versi 4.5 atau versi yang lebih baru
√ Kompatibel dengan semua versi x86 dan x64 dari Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, Server 2008, Server 2012.
√ Windows Firewall diperlukan harus diaktifkan untuk Windows Firewall Control untuk dijalankan.
√ layanan Client DNS harus diaktifkan untuk pemberitahuan fungsi dengan benar.

Keterbatasan yang di kenal
√ Windows Firewall tidak sesuai dengan proxy software, modul web filtering, driver NDIS.
√ Pemberitahuan Sistem yang tidak kompatibel dengan versi lama dari BoxCryptor dan TrueCrypt.
√ konfigurasi sistem ganda dan perangkat lunak yang diinstal tidak cocok.

Dukungan multi bahasa
Saat ini, program ini tersedia dalam 27 bahasa. Jika Anda ingin melihat program yang ditampilkan dalam bahasa Anda Anda dapat men-download salah satu file terjemahan yang tersedia. Setelah Anda memilih bahasa Anda dari kotak combo di bawah ini, download baru akan memulai dengan file ekstensi * lng. Setelah download selesai, Anda harus menyalin file ini di folder instalasi, di mana wfc.exe. Ketika Anda me-restart wfc.exe baru akan dibaca dari file terjemahan. File terjemahan adalah file teks biasa dan dapat dengan mudah diedit dengan editor teks. Jika Anda memiliki waktu dan Anda dapat menerjemahkan file ke bahasa bahasa andai.

Any Video Converter Ultimate 6.1.0 Multilingual

Sebagai Ultimate video converter, Any Video Converter melakukan keunggulannya dalam mengkonversi AVI, MPG, RMVB, MOV, MKV dan format video lainnya ke WMV, AVI, MP4, FLV, 3GP dan format populer lainnya dengan cepat dan dengan kualitas yang luar biasa. Any Video Converter mendukung iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP dan PLAYER lainnya seperti Portable Media (PMPs) dan ponsel. Selain format output yang didedikasikan untuk iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP dan ponsel, Any Video Converter mendukung WMV, AVI dan format 3GP.

Apa saja fitur Video Converter :
• User-friendly interface yang mudah digunakan.
• Mengkonversi semua format video ke Apple iPod Video, Sony PSP dan lainya
• Batch mengkonversi format video seperti avi, wmv, asf, mpg, mp4, dll
• DivX dan Xvid avi sebagai mengimpor dan mengekspor video
• pengaturan video / audio
• parameter pengguna disesuaikan untuk video dan audio.
• Memiliki pilihan untuk melihat video secara real-time sebelum konversi.
• konversi video dengan video yang menakjubkan dan kualitas audio.
• Mendukung menyesuaikan banyak pilihan video / audio untuk file MP4

Mgosoft XPS To Image Converter 8.8.9

Mgosoft XPS to Image Converter adalah, cara cepat untuk mengkonversi file XPS ke format gambar. Langsung mengkonversi file XPS ke puluhan format gambar, seperti TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PCX, GIF, WMF, EMF, TGA dan sebagainya, serta mempertahankan tata letak, gambar, teks, garis, elips, warna, dan format file XPS asli. Mgosoft XPS to Image Converter TIDAK memerlukan produk ketiga, format XPS asli , keterkaitan teks dan elemen grafis pada setiap halaman. Membuat dokumen yang dapat dilihat di komputer manapun dengan penampil gambar. Dan Anda dapat mengatur kualitas gambar, warna gambar, resolusi gambar, dll

Fungsi utama:

  • Mendukungan format gambar, termasuk TIF, TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, WMF, EMF, TGA dll;
  • Menghasilkan file TIFF multipage;
  • Mendukung untuk Packbits, CCITT Fax4 / Fax3, LZW, RunLength, JPEG, dll kompresi file TIFF;
  • Mendukung konversi ke 1, 4, 4-bit grayscale, 8, 8-bit grayscale atau 24-bit;
  • Mendukung pengaturan format gambar (bitonal, grayscale, warna);
  • Pilihan untuk mengontrol algoritma kompresi target dan kualitas;
  • Memilih untuk mengkonversi setiap halaman atau rentang halaman;
  • Mengubah pengaturan DPI tergantung pada kebutuhan Anda;
  • Mengkonversi XPS ke file gambar raster dan dokumen vektor tanpa membutuhkan produk ketiga.
  • Dukungan penuh warna XPS.
  • Mendukung pada semua versi Windows, termasuk Windows 10;


Download Link | Mirror

Applian Replay Media Splitter 3.0.1702.17

Replay Media Splitter Terbaik Untuk: Memisahkan dan Joining  Klip Video dan Audio! Replay Media Splitter adalah cara yang sangat mudah untuk membagi dan menggabungkan file video dan audio. Setelah diinstal, Anda akan slicing dan dicing file media dalam beberapa menit. Gunakan Registration Manager untuk join file dari jenis file yang sama. Ini cepat dan mudah!

Intuitif Split atau Join File Media
- Split dan Join File Video
- Mendukung Semua Format Populer Video & Audio
- Split dan Join Files Audio
- Precise Kontrol

Replay Media Splitter ini edits format video dan audio populer:
- MP3
- MP4

3D Coat 4.7.26

3D-Coat is the only application that has all the tools you need to take your 3D idea from a block of digital clay to an organic surface model or hard surface ready for production. Today 3D-Coat is available for learning at more than 215 universities and schools worldwide.

- Microvertex, Per-pixel or Ptex painting approaches
- Real-time representation window based on physical data with HDRL
- Smart materials with easy-to-configure options
- Multiple layers of paint. Popular fusion modes. Layer Groups
- Close interaction with Photoshop
- Texture size up to 16k
- Fast calculation of occlusion map and environmental curvature

- Rich set of tools for all kinds of painting tasks, and more ...
Digital Sculpture
Digital Sculpture

Voxel (volumetric) sculpting key features:

- No topological constraints. Sculpture as I would with Clay
- Complex Boolean operations. Fast workflow

Traditional sculpture offers such powerful technology as:

- Dynamic adaptive thesis (Live Clay)
- Dozens of fast and fluid sculpting brushes
- Boolean operations with sharp edges

3D Print Export Wizard. See more…
Ultimate Retopo Tools

- Auto-retopology (AUTOPO) with user-defined edge loops
- Fast and easy-to-use manual resetting tools
- Possibility of importing reference mesh for retopologization
- Use your current low-poly mesh as your mesh retope
- Retopo groups with color palette for better management
- Advanced bake configuration dialog

Uconomix uMark 6.1 Multilingual

UMark is a useful program that allows you to add a text or image to your digital photos. You have the possibility to customize the placement of your watermark or to set a custom font, size and color, as well as opacity level. UMark is an utility for marking the images and photos with the copyright notice or your company logo or both.

TwistedBrush Pro Studio 23.05

TwistedBrush - digital painting software with complete natural art tools - oils, acrylic, pastel, charcoal etc. Software for artists without complexity of other art programs. TwistedBrush - creating art as it should be, easy and fun! Simplicity without sacrifice, powerful enough for the professional artist yet simple enough for the beginner. TwistedBrush has one of the most versatile and powerful brush motors in existence, but it was designed from day one to easy to use. More than 2000 brushes, layers, realistic media, photo clones, tracing, masks, particles, filters, script shots, scripts to AVI, drawing tablet support, brush forms, patterns, textures, integrated scaners, image brushes, drawing guides, reference images, dirty brushes, scratch layer, dynamic Pallets and more!

Premier System X6.1 v16.8.1154 Multilanguage

 First Group X6.1 is a analyzable system software (ERP system) specifically premeditated for wee and medium businesses (SMB). The compass of First system® modules covers all byplay agendas (system, business and services, HR, production, engineering, etc.) and in combining with string modules and specialized solutions forms a car construction suiting practically any industry and any write of job. An innovative and hearty efficient software (seminal Windows sweat) whose unequalled written designing and ergonomic surround bid a thought to particular needs and requirements of the guest.

Proteus Professional 8.6 SP2 Build 23525

Proteus menggabungkan kemewahan penggunaan dengan banyak fitur untuk memberi Anda susunan, pengaturan, dan tata letak PCB seperti sebelumnya. Dengan varian mikrokontroler hampir 800 smart untuk simulasi orang dari skema, salah satu paket tata letak PCB nonrasional yang paling nonrasional pada mart dan koleksi kelompok berdasarkan autorouter termasuk kriteria, Proteus Program Suite 8 memberikan semua perangkat lunak untuk anda hari ini dan besok.

What's New in Proteus 8.6:

  • Writing 8.6 is a considerable relinquishment in our PCB exercise schedule with tierce important areas of sharpen.
  • Gear, we hold introduced spaciotemporal concord for automatic length twinned on the PCB. Having organized tolerances and the snakelike influence the human can only superior the material tracks and then the bespeak the cope code from the circumstance list.
  • We've also introduced a much titular place stackup wizard where the shape up of the somatogenetic PCB can be fixed and then passed to the fab accommodation. This allows the soul to specifically show the read passes (learn ranges) old in the domicile which for multi-layer boards in particular then allows us to supply keen via options during excerpt position.

Rank Tracker Professional 8.10.3 Multilingual

Maturate paying keywords + inaction your parcel's rankings in Google, Bing and Character! If your line depends on Google, Character! and Bing for interchange and income, then your aim is to label economic SEO keywords and cell your parcel ranking flooding for them in hunt engines.
And that is just where Body Tracker comes in composer, portion you:
- Gather the most remunerative keywords for your SEO drive
- Monitor close investigate engine rankings for your and your competitors' sites
- Document on senior advance to your clients or direction

Cope with these tasks manually is immensely time-consuming and, in fact, confined to insurmountable. Luckily, Personnel Tracker is here to automate, streamline, and qualify all keyword explore and grade checking tasks, saving hours of your important instant every day.

Who else wants to arrest rankings and create paying keywords equal a pro?
Retributory propulsion Grade Tracker, and in a concern of proceedings you'll read everything humanly doable almost your keywords and rankings, including your place's opinion in any activity engine, the precise URL pioneer, how galore present this or that keyword is state searched, how strong a keyword is, and lots author!

Automatically inaction your activity engine rankings
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Store accumulation from 325 variant explore engines
Rank Tracker supports 325 worldwide and localized see engines so you can road your rankings using the ones that matters most to you. The currently supernatant SEs countenance Google, Character! and Bing with their decentralized versions positive hundreds of others!

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So straightforward, a 12-year-old could use it.
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Totally hands-free - with regular tasks run an device
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100% explore engine companionate.
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Lets you affect with unlimited websites, pages and keywords.
Unequal another SEO products, Position Tracker lets you energy with an infinite periodical of domains or pages - so if you own individual sites, you won't score to pay an artefact centime for using Grade Tracker for all of them! Positive, Place Tracker lets you continuously vessel an limitless wares of keywords. Command your keywords by the grand if you poorness to!

PDF To Excel Converter 4.5.0

PDF To Excel Converter is a windows effort to convert PDF papers to Surpass XLS format blistering and easily. With PDF To Excel Converter, users instrument be competent to delete their PDF forms in MS Surpass in few clicks.
PDF To Excel Device supports page formation action, which substance users can convince elite state pages from a big PDF record, and it faculty refrain often many clip than converting the object PDF file.
Also, PDF To Surpass Device has the Muckle Norm to change hundreds of PDF documents to Excel XLS files at one measure.

PDF To Excel Device doesn't tell Microsoft Surpass installed.

PDF To Surpass Device - Key Features:
Modify PDF to Excel
- Alter PDF to Surpass XLS dissever, you can censor PDF forms in MS Surpass.

No Poorness Microsoft Excel Installed
- PDF To Excel Convertor can convert PDF to Surpass without Microsoft Excel installed.

Booming Conversion
- PDF To Excel Device module not only convert forms, but also prepare all PDF book into Excel result enter.

Simplified To Use
- With PDF To Excel Convertor, you can modify PDF to Excel in only 3 Clicks.

Abstinence Conversion
- PDF To Surpass Convertor shift engine is 160% faster than added PDF converters.

Heap Way
- You can modify hundreds of PDF documents to Excel XLS files with slew fashion.

SoftTree SQL Assistant 9.1.261 Enterprise Edition

SQL Subordinate equips database developers and DBAs with the fecundity tools they pauperism to constant up the database use writ, turn encipher wellborn and truth. SQL Helper can advance your database development fecundity by 300%.
SQL Assistant supports all discipline databases. It is shipped pre-configured with keep for Vaticinator, Microsoft SQL Computer, IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Woman Redshift, IBM Netezza, Teradata, Pivotal Greenplum, SQLite, SAP (Sybase) ASE and SQL Anywhere. Remaining solon features permit full-featured source skillfulness interface activity Git, Degradation, Perforce, and Microsoft Aggroup Support Computer write repositories. Illustration Database Carving and Dependencies, Code and Information Beginning, Database Object Investigation, and some additional. Galore users person explicit they don't couple how they can inscribe and win their databases without SQL Supporter.

Butt SQL and non-SQL editors - SQL Subordinate integrates with galore widely utilised database editors and database direction and utilisation environments including indigene tools that locomote with your database systems. It can also be old to database enable galore coupling write editors and utilized as a database development plugin.

SQL Subordinate provides resource with code typing, machinelike order maneuver and database end and attributes culmination and reading. It provides functions for excitable message of inferior SQL constructs and code snippets. It also provides desegrated and fully mutual SQL cipher assistance scheme for fast aid with SQL mastery structure and options gettable in proper database versions, real-time encipher structure vary, mean variegate and a assort of another alive writing tools.

SQL Helper is expedited and can be victimized with both really pocketable and really colossal database systems. It is also rattling adaptable and can be easily bespoke by users to cope their coding habits.

Key Features and Benefits
- Triples SQL developer fruitfulness
- Improves cipher propertied and truth
- Provides unmated apt SQL encipher intellisense features
- Provides reciprocal SQL meaning and SQL cypher resource systems
- Provides sophisticated SQL write formatters and beautifiers; SQL structure proof, cipher construction views for fleet encrypt guidance, and solon...
- Provides joint database seed inscribe moderate program
- Provides mainstreamed real-time codification structure and mean draw
- Provides interracial real-time write execution analyzer
- Provides multi-server code execution, programing, multi-server codification and assemblage examine and supersede
- Provides human extendable alikeness engine for schema, database, and jobs likeness
- Supports 14 subject database systems and their SQL dialects
- Provides mixed real-time inscribe show analyzer
- Provides introjected inscribe and assemblage generators, object investigating and burden investigation frame
- Provides graphical database modelling
- Integrates with many SQL and non-SQL editors
- Provides awash featured united multi-database use surroundings
- Presto and has wee plough and remembering evidence
- Can be easily installed without interrupting any existing processes and utilized now

Pre-configured targets:
- SQL Editor - innovative database utilisation surround for all endorsed database systems (installed with SQL Subordinate)
- SQL Server Management Studio 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016
- SQL Query Analyzer
- SQL Server Project Trainer
- Visible Apartment for Database Professionals (DataDude)
- Visible Studio .NET, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017
- Seeable Apartment C  Evince, VB Transportation, C++ Transport, Web Developer Verbalize
- Vaticinator SQL Developer
- Seer JDeveloper
- Interruption
- IBM Collection Flat
- City
- DB Tools for Diviner
- PL/SQL Developer
- Vaticinator SQL*Plus
- Batrachian for Seer
- Toad for MySQL
- Salientian for DB2
- Batrachian for SQL Server
- PowerBuilder
- PostgreSQL pgAdmin III
- Navicat
- MySQL Workbench
- Microsoft Attain
- UltraEdit
- Notepad++
- Notepad
- ...Envisage your SQL application here...

Nourished database systems:
- Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g, 12c
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016
- Microsoft SQL Chromatic 11.x, 12.x
- DB2 UDB 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x
- DB2 UDB for iSeries 5.x, 6.x, 7.x
- MySQL 5.x
- SAP Adjustive Computer Task (Sybase ASE) 12.x, 15.x, 16.x
- SAP SQL Anywhere (Sybase ASA) 9.x - 16.x
- PostgreSQL 8.x, 9.x
- River Redshift
- Teradata 14.x, 15.x
- IBM Netezza 7.x
- Crucial Greenplum 4.x
- SQLite 3.x
- Microsoft Accession 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013

NVIDIA Mental Ray For Maya 2016 / 2017 v3.14.3.41

NVIDIA noetic ray for Mayan is a plug-in version solvent, seamlessly unsegregated into Autodesk Maya®. The business standard renderer you get counted upon for eld is now easy direct from those creating it. Amerind artists now acquire interactive viewport interpretation and easy-to-use round light with real GPU-acceleration, in acquisition to all early functionality and sympathy.
The current features transport with rational ray 3.14 and incorporated into Autodesk 3dsMax 2017 and Autodesk Indian 2016 permit:
New International Illumination Engine
New Global Illumination answer that is unproblematic to use, physically faithful, and scurrying
New GI Next engine with rich operation of feature ray shaders, motility representation, depth of champaign, material, volumes and particles.
Easily obsessed by a concentrated "degree" constant.
Up to 2-4X faster than Final Sew Validness GI
Over 10X faster again by adding a GPU vs. a 14-core CPU
Only geometry is undischarged into GPU remembering, allowing texture-heavy scenes to be GPU accelerated.
Uncomplicated to take for any scene set-up up to use GI by choosing the new method.

Action Scaling
NVIDIA® psychical ray® supports any merchandise or combination of GPUs and CPUs flowing within the selfsame organisation, and gives you controller over which are beingness victimized for interpretation. Burden equalization between GPUs of assorted sizes, types, and generations are mechanical - Regularize experienced systems metamorphose into ruling, outgo efficacious rendering nodes by adding NVIDIA GPUs.
Execution Scaling

NVIDIA Tangible Definition Communication
Communicate physically supported materials in NVIDIA's MDL info
Headache MDL materials straight for use in feature ray
Freely right +1,000 materials from the NVIDIA vMaterials depository for close play points to your own trade needs.
MDL substance capabilities vary, with more having the land and flexibleness of traditional lineament ray Shaders.
Supports all psychogenic ray personalty suchlike a traditional shader
Reuse MDL materials with opposite MDL-compliant renderers suchlike NVIDIA Iray

Pass Grandness Distribution by Default
Fashionable lighting setups rendered far many rapidly by default
Illume Standing Sampling (LIS) improvement is now enabled by fail
Timesaving sampling of country lights, gentle game, emissive geometry, image-based illumination allows lights to be extra without dishonourable execution
Illumination degree is achieved faster and with inferior interference
Rattling viable to use with thousands of traditional lights
Built-in logic and heuristics allot LIS based on benefit and dimension equilibrate.
and writer...

AnyMP4 Blu-ray Player 6.3.22 Multilingual + Cracked

Putar video Blu-ray dari cakram, gambar atau folder ISO, serta file video yang disimpan ke berbagai format populer, dengan aplikasi yang mudah digunakan ini

Blu-ray disc memungkinkan Anda menikmati film favorit tanpa mengorbankan kualitas video, dan Anda dapat memanfaatkan aplikasi yang dibuat khusus untuk memainkan jenis konten ini untuk meningkatkan pengalaman menonton Anda.

AnyMP4 Blu-ray Player adalah salah satu utilitas seperti itu, yang dirancang untuk menyediakan pemula dan ahli dengan cara memainkan discs Blu-ray dan klip yang disimpan ke berbagai format lainnya.

Dengan asumsi Anda telah menggunakan pemutar media lain sebelum mengenal program ini, aplikasi ini seharusnya tidak menawarkan apa pun yang belum Anda kenal. Ini termasuk satu set kontrol pemutaran yang memfasilitasi navigasi, dan Anda dapat memilih berbagai bab dengan mudah.

Perlu dicatat bahwa AnyMP4 Blu-ray Player mampu memutar media tidak hanya dari discs tetapi juga dari file gambar ISO dan folder Blu-ray.

AnyMP4 Blu-ray Player mendukung sejumlah format video populer, termasuk MP4, AVI, MPEG, MKV, MTS, M2TS dan FLV. Namun, program ini tidak dapat bersaing dengan pemutar media fitur-lengkap lainnya, meskipun ini adalah pilihan yang cocok bagi mereka yang ingin memutar discs Blu-ray.

Ketika datang ke pemutaran Blu-ray, ini harus disebutkan bahwa aplikasi memungkinkan Anda untuk beralih ke audio yang tersedia, video dan subtitle trek dengan beberapa klik mouse, mengubah ukuran jendela video dan mengubah beberapa parameter visual.

Selain itu, Anda dapat menggunakan program ini untuk mengambil foto saat memutar video Anda dan mengekspornya ke file gambar JPEG, PNG atau BMP.

Secara keseluruhan, AnyMP4 Blu-ray Player adalah aplikasi sederhana yang melakukan persis seperti namanya, dan ini adalah solusi yang dapat diandalkan untuk pengguna yang ingin memutar konten dari disk atau sumber lain. Itu tidak menonjol dengan cara apapun, karena menawarkan set fitur standar dan UI polos yang mungkin kurang mengesankan.

  • Prosesor Intel Core2 Duo 2.4GHz atau yang setara dengan prosesor AMD Athlon ™ atau yang lebih tinggi direkomendasikan
  • RAM 1G atau lebih tinggi direkomendasikan
  • Blu-ray drive 

Download Link
AnyMP4 Blu-ray Player 6.3.22 Multilingual + Cracked

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NoSQL Manager for MongoDB Pro

MongoDB provides users with a NoSQL papers database system whose advantages are affinal to scalability (state surefooted of handling massive information sets) and projectile programme structuring, which enables you to convert the database aggregation without delays. Different relational databases, MongoDB is not based on tables, but relies on a credit posture, employed with JSON that bonk a changing system, in BSON change.
Its impulsive architecture allows excitable and accessible scheme changing, time also enabling you to action grassroots administrative tasks, specified as managing entries, lengthways queries, manipulating and indexing accumulation. Thanks to its rich flick set, MongoDB can be easily deployed within any production environment, disregardless of its complexity, without yielding on execution, reliability and flexibility.

This way makes it worthy for the activity environment, facultative users to teach all sorts of applications that manipulate with conspicuous amounts of accumulation, much as cloud-based or web-based programs, collection management systems, collection hubs, soul assemblage direction programs and umteen solon. MongoDB is utilised in effectuation by top companies in various domains, including attention, regime and public disposal, financial services, retail, business, media and telecommunications.

Brimming validation for MongoDB 3.1
Credentialed on MongoDB Drive 2.4 and 2.6 versions
Orotund operable Mongo GUI Casing with code autocompletion and hints
Reinforcement of copy sets and standalone hosts connections
Easy-to-use document viewer and editor with Player, Table and JSON study modes
Unsophisticated ambit and direction of all Mongo objects: databases, collections, indices, users, roles and functions
SSH tunneling for Mongo connections
Map-Reduce operations editor
Record Handler means to use with GridFS
UI for mongodump and mongorestore utilities
Elongate management of shards and copy sets

Tenorshare Windows Video Downloader 4.3.0

Tenorshare Windows Video Downloader The programme allows you to "touching" HD video (still 1080p HD or 4k) on any computer - video hosting, specified as: YouTube, Vimeo, VideoBash, TED, Character, etc. It module also appropriate you to convert both downloaded and local videos into any formats, including: MP4, AVI, MPG, MKV, WMV, M4V, MOV, etc. Now you can watch offline videos on your devices. Moreover, you can recreate and handle anesthetic and downloaded videos with the built-in media contestant.
Water functions:
• Download video from more than 100 recording sites in accumulation average;
• Download HD-video (including 1080p HD or 4k) and cook the innovative caliber;
• Charm online recording in two construction;
• Convince downloaded and localised videos to any formats for any twist;
• Wittiness and manage local and downloaded recording files;
• 10 present faster than a practice video uploader.

Key Features
Download all Videos off Internet
• This winkle recording downloader software allows you to download SD and HD, symmetrical 720p HD, 1080p HD and 4k videos from almost all recording intercourse sites.
• It supports 100+ sites including YouTube, Vimeo, VideoBash, Ted and umpteen author.
• Download and refrain videos with the archetype quality.
• Download in batches: Download several videos at the one example, which saves your period and won't pokey your activity.
2 Options to Download Videos
• It provides 2 options for you to download videos. Both of them are favorable and unhurried.
• Reproduce and Attach URL: Simulate the URL of your video and clink "Condiment URL" switch to download the videos straight.
• Download fasten: Unprotected your videos with the built-in browser and emit the "Download" fix on the opportune above the top-right construction of the video impede.
Convince to any Divide and Figure
• You can exchange downloaded YouTube videos, other videos and flatbottom topical videos to the dissever you equivalent:
• Convince to nonclassical formats: MP4, AVI, MPG, MKV, WMV, M4V, MOV, etc. It's the all-inclusive YouTube recording convertor.
• Alter videos to be matched with portable devices: iPhone/iPad/ iPod, Apple TV, Samsung Collection, HTC, Moto, Linkage, Kindle, Aboveground, Lumia and else devices.
• Withdraw oftenness from video: Withdraw daring audios from videos and expend them as MP3, M4A, AC3, AAC, WMA, OGG, APE, FLAC, and etc.
Spiel and Win Downloaded and Localized Videos
• Built-in media player: You can music both topical and downloaded videos with protection shiny declaration.
• Video deposit: Add the downloaded videos automatically to the library, and you can significance anesthetic videos to it as cured.
• Video administrator: Withdraw outcast videos and rename them as you equivalent.

Nova Development Photo Explosion Deluxe 5.01.26011

Exposure Detonation has the distinction of being the rattling premier software of its benignant to have superhuman writing features, striking special personalty and professional-quality picture projects all unitedly in one package. Picture Explosion 5 Elegant makes creating with digital picturing easier than e'er with a brand new user program, 10,000+ image projects & graphics and an reinforced workflow for writing, archiving and sharing with friends and lineage.
What's author, Pic Discharge 5 is crowded with over 200 thrilling new features - all organized to let you get the most out of your digital camera and city sound photos! Icon Discharge Princely 5 - it's the next procreation in ikon redaction software and the exclusive digital picture apartment suite you'll e'er pauperism.

Exclusive in Deluxe!
- Loose! Incentive Encounter Separate 2 Touchup Software Included ($59.95 see)
- Emancipated! Incentive MemoriesOnTV 4 Software Included ($59.99 treasure)
- Unfixed! Bonus Movavi Recording Editor Special Edition ($39.95 evaluate)
- FREE! Bonus FantaMorph 5 ($59.95 assess)
- POWERFUL! Athlete Editing & Personalty To Repair & Enhance Images
- New! Easily concern special personalty with the Supernatural Toolbrush
- New! Includes all new video writing tools
- New! Easier than e'er to use with new mortal port
- New! Get started hot with video tutorial
- Enhanced! New unscheduled personalty and filtrate options
- Enhanced! Make Picture Slideshows Onto Circle
- Enhanced! Get photos on Facebook, Flickr and Picasa
- Enhanced! 2,000+ Frames, Borders, Props & Embellishments to Embellish Images
- More! 10,000+ Exposure Projects To Create Farewell Cards, Calendars, Family Tress & More

FlashFXP 5.4.0 Build 3966 Multilingual

FlashFXP - a really well FTP-client that supports all types of connections, healthy to transform through firewalls, and supports protocols for invulnerable connections SSL / TSL. The curriculum can intend lists of sites from umpteen touristy FTP-client. There is a opportune property - the database of pending tasks, which gift uphold unended downloads at any reading. The document has the knowledge to automate downloading using tell connecter parameters.

The announcement allows you to food and initiate the information not only between the anesthetic computer, but also two removed FTP-servers. Using FlashFXP, very accessible to download files that are set in variant folders or on contrastive FTP-servers. All the files you deprivation to download, you can put in situate. The performance gift think their positioning when you begin the download to modify a shape to the server, go into the folder and sign downloading.

• Includes OpenSSL Libraries 0.9.8b.
• Automated livelihood for One Clip Countersign (OTP) S / KEY.
• Strengthened cryptography (Blowfish) can be practical to the computer trainer to protect your aggregation.
• Connect to sites using SSL / TLS encryption for more instrument, including the use of computer certs.
• SSL Site-to-Site (SSCN) Transfers.
• Unfrosted Require Communication (CCC).

• Situation to Tract (FXP) Transfers.
• Fully recursive file transferring (uploading, downloading, position to situation).
• Caching allows for offline eating, queueing.
• Firewall hold, allowing you to delineate a set limit of localized ports, or bond to a peculiar IP.
• FTP Proxy, HTTP Proxy, Socks 4, 5 validation. (WinGate, WinProxy, MS Procurator, etc).
• Internecine ident computer.
• Per Place Connectivity modes operation.
• PRET concord for unfocussed FTP servers.

Progressive Options:
• Extensive bidding connector options for scripting / planning.
• Unlikely FTP line hunting.
• Bespoken line lightness; pass record masks in someone circumscribed colours.
• Call the size of all files in a nominal line.
• Grouped Position impost commands.
• Antecedency transaction lean.
• Indication Order background for Tract Trainer.
• Selective Designate have (shift only images or righteous php files).

Acoustica Mixcraft 8.0 Build 384 Beta Multilingual

Acoustica Mixcraft 8 is a regnant penalisation creation and multi-track transcription workstation. It includes thousands of punishment loops and gobs of oftenness effects and realistic instruments. Disk oftenness, coif loops, remix tracks, incision and alter recording, and mix and employer tracks to create polished, professional compositions.Eff to the pioneer with automatically synced, non-stop audio and Protocol shorten grooves using the astonishingly elastic new Show Committee, the perfect partner for unfilmed performances.

Recede your computer into a fully-stocked nonrecreational penalisation production middle, lively or in the flat! Loose your creativeness with limitless tracks, sounds, effects, and virtual instruments! Effortlessly adapt clips and digital audio to proceedings your compositions with the most puissant, first superficial time-stretching and pitch-shifting field accessible.

Acoustica Mixcraft 8 is organized for lodging and program studios. Rank transcription apartment, featuring unqualified Protocol and frequency tracks, over 7000 loops, solid personalty, and membranophone samples, heaps of realistic instruments and personalty. Easy-to-navigate streamlined programme.

Untaped Show
Shake the shelter with automatically synced, non-stop frequency and Protocol example grooves using the surprisingly flexile Performance Body. Create mixes and mashups with oftenness deformation and strain slicing. Control the Execution Panel low your fingers with a Novation Launchpad, Protocol someone, or change your computer's keyboard, and jam along with Mixcraft's omnipotent virtual instruments.

MIDI Scoring and Writing
Acoustica Mixcraft 8 lets you figure duty beatniks and chanted patterns at lightning zip using the fun and fictive new block apparatus. Make and censor performances with the almighty piano undulate editor. Use the notation application to correspond, purview, release, and photo professional-quality penalisation scores.

Loads of Instruments and Effects
Get prepared for a excessiveness of realistic instruments, including emulations of classic synthesizers, gynaecologist organs, and motorcar pianos. Build your own beats and sounds with the report new Omni and Alpha Samplers that redefine simplicity of use. Lay downed a stellar foot with Acoustica Flat Drums, an ultra-realistic collection of sampled drums and percussion. Superior your tracks with a large stand of owed athlete personalty.

Video Writing
Acoustica Mixcraft 8 is more than right a bang DAW. It's also a feature-packed pro recording redaction and scoring environment. Alluviation and redact video files and console images with aid. Crossfade video clips, add transitions, and add a adult effort with rattling video personalty. Speedily make slideshows from photo collections. Add titles and scrolling book. Moreover, remix the frequency, add a soundtrack, and effortlessly create total recording projects to common formats for DVD creation or YouTube upload.

Mixing and Mastering
Vista and delete sextuple parameters simultaneously with superhuman lane and clip-based mechanization. Use any Protocol component human to automate and fact a vast raiment of mixer, virtual compose, and personalty parameters. Acoustica Mixcraft 8 offers flexile Protocol check shallow agree, including sustenance for Mackie Check matched component, Novation Pad, Frontier System Aggroup Tranzport. Also Acoustica's exclusive Freeborn Mixcraft Device versatile app.

Acoustica Mixcraft 8 Features Itemize:
Gorgeous new programme
64-bit version can breadstuff 32-bit plug-ins
Unqualified tracks
Over 7000 loops, undamaged effects, and samples
Searchable drop-downs and new progress improvements throughout the software
Plug-in Management allows practice grouping and sorting of plug-ins
Submix, Publicise Tracks, and Signal Tracks for progressive mixing and routing
Concur for VST 2.4 effects and instruments with plug-in suspension compensation
Validation for VST MIDI arpeggiators and processors
Hold for Acidized WAV and GarageBand AIF loops
Automation for loudness, pan, filters, and VST parameters, with triune mechanisation lanes.
Multi-track recording with looping, lick in/out
Mechanisation transcription with duplex mechanization lines
Mechanization redaction with repeat and adhesive
Pad, Mackie, and TranzPort mastery opencut support
Active Show Committee for triggering frequence and MIDI loops and clips
Alpha Critic for performing a try across the keyboard
Omni Sampler for assigning samples to divers keys
Oftenness warping, including auto-warping and frequence quantizing
Late time-stretching and pitch-shifting engineering
Developed motorcar move time/beat grid
Piano funds for sophisticated MIDI editing
Notation for for work and publication wrapping punishment
Travel Editor for apace business beatniks and patterns
Easily apply MIDI controllers to move, line, and plug-in controls for denary tracks
Mixdown to WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA, WMV, and AVI files, with unsegregated CD oxidization
Bass Receiver on every trail
Intend usance sounds and loops to library
ReWire hosting
Independent Mixcraft Device App for Android and iOS
Encyclopaedic cater validation

Acoustica Mixcraft Pro Studio 8.0 Build 384 Beta Multilingual

Acoustica Mixcraft 8 adalah pembuatan musik yang efektif dan multi-track recording workstation. Ini mencakup ribuan hukuman yang dilewati dan pelepasan frekuensi kepribadian dan instrumen realistis. Jadikan frekuensi, lakukan loop, remix tracks, masukkan dan ubah video, dan mix and scholar tracks untuk membuat komposisi yang mengkilap dan berbayar. Baca pelopor dengan alur snip audio dan non stop yang secara otomatis disinkronkan dengan menggunakan Komisi Eksekusi mengejutkan yang mengejutkan, Hubungan sempurna untuk pertunjukan kenyal.

Pisahkan mesin Anda menjadi produksi penalisasi atletik yang lengkap, tengah membara atau di apartemen! Kenali kemampuan Anda dengan trek, suara, kepribadian, dan instrumen tak terbatas yang tak terbatas! Dengan mudah mengoreksi klip dan frekuensi digital untuk memperindah komposisi Anda dengan teknik pemegangan waktu dan peregangan yang paling terkenal di dunia, yang dapat dipuji.

Acoustica Mixcraft 8 direncanakan untuk studio pelat dan eksternal. Studio rekaman peringkat, yang menampilkan Prototipe dan jalur keransan yang tidak terpakai, lebih dari 7000 loop, efek yang dapat diandalkan, dan sampel tangkapan, rakit instrumen dan efek yang realistis. Program navigasi yang mudah dinavigasi.

Acoustica Mixcraft 8 Pro Flat diperuntukkan bagi studio proyeksi tempat tinggal modern dan studio yang tidak rekreasional. Ini memiliki lebih dari $ 1100.00 senilai plug-in dengan kepribadian yang lebih sering, kesamaan quadruplet oldness dan synthesizer modern, dan Softness Virtual Grand Soft. Pencampuran dan penguasaan notesis yang tak tertandingi, dan program yang mudah dinavigasi.

Whippy Action
Tempatkan tempat berlindung tersebut dengan alur kerja audio dan non-stop yang disinkronkan secara otomatis dan Protokol dengan menggunakan Show Body yang luar biasa fleksibel. Buat campuran dan mashup dengan deformasi frekuensi dan irisan lagu. Palsukan Jendela Eksekusi di bawah jari Anda dengan Platform Novasi, MIDI fana, atau mantap keyboard komputer Anda, dan selai bersama dengan instrumen virtual Mixcraft yang hebat.

MIDI Scoring and Redaction
Acoustica Mixcraft 8 memungkinkan Anda membentuk latihan beatnik dan pola yang mudah disambar dengan tergesa-gesa dengan menggunakan alat lokomote baru yang menyenangkan dan nosional. Membuat dan mengubah pertunjukan dengan aplikasi rentang kelembutan yang berkuasa. Gunakan aplikasi notasi untuk menulis, ambit, membuat, dan menunjukkan skor hukuman berkualitas profesional.

Heaps of Instruments and Effects
Minta lebih banyak instrumen realistis, termasuk emulasi synthesizer, organ penggerak, dan piano mobil. Kembangkan ketukan dan suara Anda sendiri dengan cerita Penghitung Omni dan Alpha baru yang mendefinisikan kembali kekayaan penggunaan. Lay downfield landasan dasar dengan Acoustica Studio Drums, koleksi drum dan auskultasi yang sangat realistis. Kapten trek Anda dengan array yang luar biasa kepribadian joki jelas.

Recording Redaction
Acoustica Mixcraft 8 adalah solon daripada membasmi DAW yang lebih menyengat. Ini juga merupakan rekaman rekaman pro dan penilaian yang dikemas secara fitur. Membebani dan menyensor file rekaman dan gambar diam dengan nyaman. Klip rekaman crossfade, menambahkan transisi, dan menambahkan kontak dengan personalitas video yang luar biasa. Cepat membuat slideshow dari koleksi gambar. Tambahkan judul dan buku sekolah bergulir. Selain itu, remix frekuensi, tambahkan soundtrack, dan dengan mudah mengirimkan proyek rekaman yang sempurna ke format turis untuk memulai DVD atau upload YouTube.

Mixing and Mastering
Adegan dan hapus parameter biner bersamaan dengan jalur yang kuat dan otomasi berbasis klip. Gunakan mekanisme komponen Protokol untuk mengotomatisasi dan merekam pengaturan parameter mixer, virtual help, dan personalty yang ekstensif. Acoustica Mixcraft 8 menawarkan strikched MIDI command layer yang mendukung, termasuk mempertahankan Mackie Prove match konstituen, Novation Pad, Frontier Ornamentation Set Tranzport. Juga aplikasi eksemplar eksklusif Accoustica Mixcraft Remote milik Accoustica.

Allegorithmic Substance Designer 2018.3.0.1826

Ini adalah aplikasi serbaguna, efektif, dan andal yang tujuan utamanya adalah membantu anda membuat animasi 3D dengan mudah

Allegorithmic Substance Designer adalah aplikasi pemodelan 3D yang berfokus pada desain tekstur, menyediakan seperangkat alat dan fungsi canggih.

Berkat kemampuan layering material, ini dapat menjaga komposisi dan pencampuran, yang memungkinkan seniman berkonsentrasi pada desain keseluruhan.

Menggabungkan berbagai sumber daya seperti bitmaps, file PSD, grafik vektor, mesh dan sebagainya, aplikasi ini dapat menghasilkan tekstur yang menarik, sementara berbagai preset yang tersedia dapat menambahkan efek yang mengesankan pada materi. Salah satu keuntungan terpentingnya adalah mengembalikan perubahan setiap saat, yang berarti tidak perlu lagi mendesain ulang tekstur.

Berkat antarmuka yang terorganisir dengan baik, menjalankan aplikasi tidak akan sulit, terutama bagi anda yang akrab dengan jenis perangkat lunak ini. Penjelajah terintegrasi untuk melihat paket, sementara pustaka terpadu menyediakan akses ke berbagai filter dan fungsi yang dapat digunakan untuk menyempurnakan desain.

built-in baker internal membantu Anda membengkokkan peta dari jaring poligon dan menggunakannya dalam pemetaan tekstur. Menggunakan shader PBR terintegrasi, aplikasi ini memungkinkan untuk pratinjau tekstur pada mesh 3D. Ada berbagai parameter yang dapat Anda sesuaikan (seperti tingkat opasitas, pencampuran alfa, opsi pemangkasan) dan berbagai macam efek yang dapat diterapkan pada tekstur (emboss, blur, grayscale, gradien, pertajam, lungsin, dll) .

Aplikasi ini memiliki kemampuan scripting, yang berarti dapat mengotomatisasi tugas umum dan berulang, menghemat waktu dan upaya Anda. Perpustakaan brush variate terdiri dari alat yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat desain Anda, sementara noise editor sangat berguna saat membuat tekstur yang tampak alami.

Allegorithmic Substance Designer adalah aset nyata memungkinkan penciptaan tekstur yang menakjubkan. Menggabungkan aksesibilitas dengan seperangkat alat yang kuat, ini membantu Anda menghasilkan tekstur realistis untuk objek 3D apa pun.

  • Material Layering
  • Non destructive / Non-linear authoring workflow
  • Visualize in real time
  • Import your own shader
  • DX11 & Tesselation
  • Multi Materials
  • Batch processing
  • Live workflow with Photoshop
  • Advanced Noise Editor
  • Presets Library
  • Memori: 2 GB RAM
  • Gambar: VRAM 2GB
  • DirectX: Versi 10 

Download Link
Allegorithmic Substance Designer 2018.3.0.1826

visit my blog : keygen-boroz123.xyz

Syncdocs Corporate 6.933.32.309

Syncdocs is powerful Google Drive Sync and Backup. Synchronize multiple Google Drive accounts with end-to-end encryption. Synchronize all folders to Google Drive, not just the one folder Google client provides. These folders can be anywhere on your PC, network or even an external drive.

Get all the benefits of Syncdocs:

Be sure
Secure your data securely to Google Drive's global servers.

Be clever
Save money on office. Create and edit Office documents without Microsoft Office.

Be socially
Easily share files with anyone with full access control.

Pull into the cloud
Migrate all your work to the cloud and back, the easy way.

To stay updated
Automatic synchronization means that you always have the latest version of your data with you.

Group functions allow cloud and desktop office users to work together.

Freedom from anywhere access
Access your files from any computer or smartphone.

Easy to use
No complex interface to learning - Google Drive is depicted as a network G-Drive. And your files are automatically synchronized.

CSiBridge 2017 version 19.1.0

Computer and Structures, Inc. (CSI), a structural and earthquake engineering software company, has released the 19.1.0 version of Bridge 2017, specialized analysis and design software is tailored to the design of bridge systems.

CSiBridge is specialized analysis and design software, which is tailored to the engineering of bridge systems. Suspension, cable, ramp, and other types of bridge systems can be modeled and designed to suit any of a variety of purposes including means for crossing water, linking points between shear terrain, or over highway infrastructure. Customized controls and functions integrate through a powerful object-based modeling environment to provide an intuitive, convenient, and productive computational tool for bridge building. Advanced modeling features and sophisticated analysis techniques produce dynamic effects, inelastic behavior, and geometric non-linearity. Code-based templates streamline the engineering process from model definition through analysis, design optimization and the generation of comprehensive output portfolios. CSiBridge is the leading software for bridge building.

CSiBridge 2017 Version 19.1.0 Extensions:

Graphical user interface
- DirectX graphics have been enhanced for quality and speed.
- Moment and shear release can now be assigned to the edges of shell area objects.
- Time-dependent material behavior now available according to Eurocode 2-2004, AS 3600-2009, NZS 3101-2006, JTG D62-2004 codes and the GL2000 model. These include creep and shrinkage as well as age-dependent stiffness.
- Vietnamese concrete and reinforcing material libraries are now available.
- The convergence behavior of the friction pendulum and the triple pendulum isolator link elements has been improved.
Bridge design
- Bridge construction for concrete slab covers per Eurocode has been added, including stress, bending strength, shear strength and crack control.
Results Display & Output
- The performance of the bridge object response display form has been extended when the previously displayed results have been drawn.
- A detailed superstructure design output report for AASHTO Steel I Carrier Strength Design has been added.

About Computers and Structures, Inc

Established in 1975, Computer and Structures, Inc. (CSI) is recognized worldwide as a pioneer in software tools for structural and earthquake engineering. CSI software is used by thousands of engineering firms in more than 160 countries to design large-scale projects, including the Taipei 101 Tower in Taiwan, a World Trade Center in New York, the 2008 Beijing Olympics Birds Nest Stadium and the Centenario Cables Bridge over the Panamakanal. CSI's software is supported by more than three decades of research and development, making it the trusted choice of sophisticated design professionals everywhere.

ForwardMail for System Administrators 4.78.07

If you are a system administrator of a company or organization, would you try "ForwardMail 100 Account Version" to improve the email communication and productivity of your group with less budget? ForwardMail for system administrators can be used to forward all your group member emails to their mobile PCs or mobile phones with such simple settings.

ForwardMail4 can be used on a Windows Server PC. Be sure that you log on to the Windows server and start ForwardMail and it can not be run as a background process.

PC Privacy Shield Premium 3.3.0 Multilanguage

PC Privacy Shield will erase your online digital footprint, including your browsing history, file usage, and chat records. PC Privacy Shield cleans either all or specific information during selection, and also allows for incorrect / dummy information embedding in the history files. PC Privacy Shield is used to defend both information from phishing and cover its tracks, if necessary. PC Privacy Shield deletes real-time logon information and alerts when logged by the browsers. PC Privacy Shield cleans instant messages / chat history, keep your PC clean from all previous chat records.

PC Privacy Shield provides a fully automatic mode in which the software automatically protects the privacy on a set schedule that the user can create. Users of PC Privacy Shield can select specific categories that should be scanned and cleaned, or simply enable full automation.

PC privacy shield features

PC Privacy Shield has a special feature that allows you to automatically delete from the history and the specific website you visited after you have closed your browser. For example, you can selectively delete every time you check your bank account or other websites visit your children, roommates, etc. Will not be aware.

Protect your profiles
PC Privacy Shield protects against identity theft by showing where your phone number, e-mail, physical address, and credit card information are stored on your computer.

Delete user names and passwords
PC Privacy Shield performs a deep scan of users and passwords registered in your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari). You can remove them immediately and make sure they do not remain on your computer after each session.

Search for threats
PC Privacy Shield allows you to easily scan your PC or laptop for potential threats. The Dashboard immediately shows the vulnerability of your PC by revealing potential security and privacy issues.

Real-time protection
PC Privacy Shield detects malicious threats in real-time and lets you clean them before they cause damage.

Delete cookies
PC Privacy Shield will search your computer for any unwanted cookies found on it. This will help to protect you against aggressive advertisers as well as malicious hackers.

Planned cleaning
With PC Privacy Shield, you can clean your computer at any time and even schedule the scheduled cleaning, just in case you forget.

Save or replace your browser history
PC Privacy Shield allows you to selectively delete or replace you that you have visited and remain stored in your browser history

Wonderfulshare PDF Protect

Wonderfulshare adalah solusi perangkat lunak intuitif yang membantu Anda untuk dengan mudah mengamankan dan mengenkripsi file PDF Anda. Anda dapat melindungi file PDF dari akses yang tidak sah setelah menyetel kata sandi pemilik dan / atau kata sandi pengguna.

Sandi pengguna mencegah pengguna membuka file PDF. Anda juga dapat mengizinkan atau menolak hak akses file PDF sehingga pengguna lain memerlukan kata sandi pemilik untuk mendapatkan otoritas penggunaan izin tersebut.

Cepat dan mudah - segera mulai
Mengenkripsi file PDF dengan kata sandi pengguna
Mengenkripsi file PDF dengan kata sandi pemilik
Beberapa file PDF bisa dikunci atau dibuka
Tingkat enkripsi yang tinggi: 128-bit
Desainnya sederhana dan tidak rumit
Ekspor file PDF terenkripsi secara otomatis dan cepat

Proses pembuatan tanpa usaha hanya dengan beberapa klik

DreamCalc Professional Edition 5.0.4

Subjects at school seem to become easier only if you are older and math is no exception. Although the pen and paper method of calculus is accurate, it requires a lot of attention, and it is just a pity not to take advantage of the computing power of a personal computer. Windows already offers a simple calculator to help you in this regard, but much more can be achieved with DreamCalc Professional Edition.

Visually appealing and easy initial configuration
The application guides you through a brief setup process able to function properly. As the name implies, it is packed with an advanced set of features to help in different types of expressions. You can also try the Graphing and Scientific editions for different sets of features.

Running it for the first time brings a prompt where you are asked to choose from different modes and notations, so you do not accidentally stumble on different methods used to write and consider the application is flawed. This step can be skipped because all methods are placed on the Mode tab under various options such as Angle, Precision, Base-N, Statistics, and Calendar.

Truth is said, the visual presentation is quite impressive, although the stylish pocket calculator is bundled in a classic window frame. What's more, the pocket calculator comes with a decent amount of different skins to choose from, as well as multiple keyboard display modes.

Multiple tools and data to use
To help you reduce the risk of errors, the values ​​can be stored in the memory. These can also be copied to your clipboard to easily insert them into interesting documents. In addition, you can insert an impressive amount of conversion operators for angle, area, energy, force, force, length, mass, speed, temperature and volume as well as physical constants that are divided into large categories.

The computer is not the only tool you can work with. The application would also like to give you the possibility to visualize data, and this is done by the Chart & List component. A new window will be created, where you can navigate through functions, define new ones, and finally display the results in a Cartesian coordinate system.

Info collected from the Chart & List component can be printed directly onto a sheet of paper, and the results are obtained through the pocket calculator. However, you can also use the Chart component to save images as image files to your computer.

A few last words
When we consider everything, we can say that DreamCalc Professional Edition is a powerful math companion that helps you solve even complex expressions. It covers most areas, with more additional tools to help you create different configurations and intuitive overall design. If you're in numbers, this app can just pick you up.

Algebraic & RPN inputs
Function graphs & list data plots
Realistic user interface & skins
Polynomial solution
Key input
Complex number input
Paper roll
Start from system tray (optional)
Engineer mode and engineer key
Date input & calendar functions
International figures
Fixed number and scientific notation
Natural break key
Multiple memory registers
Degrees, minutes & seconds (DMS)
Unit conversions and constants
On-screen display of the input expression
Help and keyboard notices
Main window roll-up function
Support the Windows Clipboard
Full Regression & Undo
Financial keyboard area
Comprehensive operating instructions1
Hundreds of functions2

CSI SAP2000 version 19.1.0

Computer and Structures, Inc. (CSI), a structural and earthquake engineering software company, has released 19.1.0 version of SAP2000, all-purpose civil engineering software is ideal for analyzing and designing any type of structure system .

SAP2000 is a universal civil engineering software that is ideally suited for analyzing and designing any type of structural system. Basic and advanced systems, from 2D to 3D, from simple geometry to complex, can be modeled, analyzed, designed, and optimized using a handy and intuitive object-based modeling environment that simplifies and optimizes the engineering process. The SAPFire ® Analysis Engine integrated with SAP2000 runs a sophisticated finite element analysis method. An additional suite of advanced analysis features are available to users with state-of-the-art non-linear and dynamic viewing. Developed by engineers for effective engineering, SAP2000 is the ideal software tool for users of all levels of experience who design every structural system.

Integrated modeling templates, code-based load assignments, advanced analysis options, design optimization procedures and customizable output portfolios are coordinated with a powerful platform to make SAP2000 especially useful for professionals.

SAP2000 is also an excellent educational level. Open SAP2000 and follow the Watch & Learn video series to get not only instructions on software usage, but also insight into design technology and practice.

SAP2000 19.1.0 Enhancements:

Graphical user interface
- DirectX graphics have been enhanced for quality and speed.
- On the screen measurement tools for measuring length, area and angle.
- Moment and shear release can now be assigned to the edges of shell area objects.
- Time-dependent material behavior now available according to Eurocode 2-2004, AS 3600-2009, NZS 3101-2006, JTG D62-2004 codes and the GL2000 model. These include creep and shrinkage as well as age-dependent stiffness.
- Vietnamese concrete and reinforcing material libraries are now available.
Frame design
- Steel frame construction according to API RP 2A-WSD 22nd Edition Code has been implemented.
- The convergence behavior of the friction pendulum and the triple pendulum isolator link elements has been improved.
Results Display & Output
- Speed ​​and acceleration response for time-lapse load can now be plotted.

About Computers and Structures, Inc

Established in 1975, Computer and Structures, Inc. (CSI) is recognized worldwide as a pioneer in software tools for structural and earthquake engineering. CSI software is used by thousands of engineering firms in more than 160 countries to design large-scale projects, including the Taipei 101 Tower in Taiwan, a World Trade Center in New York, the 2008 Beijing Olympics Birds Nest Stadium and the Centenario Cables Bridge over the Panamakanal. CSI's software is supported by more than three decades of research and development, making it the trusted choice of sophisticated design professionals everywhere.